Compressive Strength (@28days)
> 30 N/ Mm2
40 Kg/Bag
Grey / White
Water powder ratio (For Mixing purpose)
Shree Premix Industries (SPI) is a leading manufacturer and supplier of a wide range of ready mix plasters and mortar. With years of experience and expertise, SPI offers a variety of high-quality plaster solutions that cater to different needs and requirements of the construction industry.
E-Plast+ (M30+) is a premium quality ready mix waterproof plaster that is designed to provide excellent water resistance and durability to the walls. It is made up of high-grade cement, sand, and polymer additives, which makes it ideal for use in damp areas like bathrooms, kitchens, and basements. The Shree E Plast+ (M30+) is easy to apply and can be used on both internal and external walls.
Another high-quality ready mix plaster solution offered by SPI is the High Strength Ready mix plaster. This plaster is specially formulated with high-grade cement and polymer additives that enhance the strength and durability of the plaster. It is ideal for use on walls that require extra protection against wear and tear.
SPI also offers Multi-purpose Ready Mix plaster, which is a versatile solution that can be used on a variety of surfaces such as concrete, brickwork, and plasterboards. It is made up of high-quality cement, sand, and polymer additives that provide excellent adhesion and bonding to the surface.
Heat Resistance Ready mix plaster is another popular product offered by SPI, which is designed to withstand high temperatures. It is made up of a special blend of cement, sand, and heat-resistant additives, which make it perfect for use in areas with high-temperature exposure like fireplaces and chimneys.
For non-hacked surfaces, SPI offers a ready mix plaster that can be applied without the need for hacking. This plaster is specially formulated with high-grade cement and polymer additives that provide excellent adhesion and bonding to the surface.
Abrasion Resistance Ready mix plaster is ideal for areas that are prone to wear and tear like corridors, entrance halls, and staircases. It is made up of high-quality cement, sand, and polymer additives that provide excellent resistance against abrasion.
Non-Shrink Ready mix Plaster is a premium quality plaster solution offered by SPI that is specially formulated to prevent shrinkage. It is made up of high-grade cement, sand, and polymer additives that provide excellent bonding and adhesion to the surface without any shrinkage.
For multi-surface application, SPI offers a ready mix plaster solution that is ideal for use on a variety of surfaces like concrete, brickwork, and plasterboards. This plaster
Shree E-Plast+ M30+ is a Fiber Reinforced, Polymer modified Cement base, Preblended High Strength & Hydrophobic property multipurpose, Multi Properties, non shrink, waterproof readymix Plaster.
BIS Reference :IS -2402 - 1963 (Reaffirmed 2001) : Code of Practice for external rendered finishes shall be followed for specifications, number of coats, thickness of plaster and other.
For Plastering, Levelling & Repairing the surfaces in Minimum Thickness or as required in all types of walls RCC Structures Precast Members in Residential/ Commercials/ Industrial/ Institutional Buildings, Malls, Multiplex, Public Buildings, Hotels, Hospitals, Government, Semi government projects, Railway, PWD, CPWD, MHADA, Pantpradhan Avas Yojna, Swatch Bharat Abhiyan, SRA, Redevelopment , Affordable Housing Projects, Religious place, Heritage structure, ware housing projects and various types of projects.
Application of Shree E Plast+ (M30+) to level gap between Floor Surface & Relling
Levelling & Plastering on uneven PrecastExternal RCC wall surfaces
For Internal and External Platering to the water tank constructed with joining A.A.C Blocks for testing sepages through the plaster and block joining mortar
Repairing Damaged Precast R.C.C. Column
High Compressive strength thanConventional Plaster and other readmix plaster as well as Non Shrinkage Property to "Shree E-Plast+M30+".
Regular quality check up of raw materials & testing of finish goods result in availability of uniform quality throughout the year.
Hydrophobic Property of "Shree E-Plast+ M30+" avoids water penetration through the plaster, hence its waterproof.
Only need to add water in "Shree E-Plast+ M30+" at site hence easy to use and quality can control at any location.
Avoid more investment in stock due to easy availability and quick delivery.
For level, & align the surfaces of the walls/ R.C.C, Precest R.C.C Structure & Ceiling "Shree E-Plast+ M30+" can be use to make uniform & smooth surface by maintaining minimum 3 MM to 5 MM thickness which saves the lot of cost of the material.
"Shree E-Plast+ M30+" can be applied speedily & get more strength in lesser time hence early completion of balance work which save the interest cost of the project compare to the conventional method.
Negligible rebound of material which can be used without addition of any material provided it shall be collected without any dust particles.
In case of double coat plaster on level surface, base coat and finish coat can be achieved in minimum thickness because of special grades of fillers as well as good bonding and adhesion property of "Shree E-Plast+ M30+".
"Shree E-Plast+ M30+" can be used for repairing honey combed concrete, uneven beam bottom, column & ceiling surfaces.
For plastering with "Shree E- Plast+ M30+" saves the material, water required for mixing, curing as well as it saves lot of natural resources hence its Eco friendly, Green building material , it help to save natural resources of the Nation.
Pot life of "Shree E-Plast+ M30+" is more hence, we can continue Plastering work for long time and avoid wastage of mixed material.
For fixing tiles in minimum thickness by adhesives, "Shree E-Plast+ M30+" can be used as base coat on AAC/ Concrete Block R.C.C. surface for levelling, to save the cost as well as to avoid reduction in internal area due to more thickness of plaster.
"Shree E -Plast+ M30+" contains Special grades of fillers which are free from dust/ Silt/ Mud hence no formation of cracks to the plaster and no effect on quality.
Plastering with "Shree E-Plast+ M30+" in minimum thickness will reduce the cost, dead weight on the walls/ structures and increase the carpet area compare to conventional methods / other plasters.
Technical details
To Know More About Technical Specification In Detail
How To Use
Do not mix any material in "Shree E-Plast+ M30+" except clean water. In case of use of mechanical mixer, "Shree E-Plast+ M30+" shall be added in 130-140 Ml/Kg clean water & mix it thoroughly for minimum 3 min and in case of hand mixing "Shree E-Plast+ M30+" shall be added in 150-160 ML per kg clean water as per consistency required as per site condition & it shall be mixed for 8 to 10 minutes, Accordingly for 40 Kg bag of "Shree E-Plast+M30+" water shall be added in mixing trey/ Pot/ mechanical mixer/ stirrer and it shall be mix thoroughly till we get the uniform consistency to the mix material, allow mix material remain idle for 3 to 5 minutes polymers/ adhesives/ fibers to be dissolved to get the special properties to the Plaster.
Surface to be plaster shall be made clean, dust & Curing compound free & wet before starting the plastering work. No need to apply any Bonding Agent on the walls /other surface before Plastering with "Shree E Plast + M30+".
Again remix the mix material and check the consistency/ workability of "Shree E-Plast+ M30+" before starting the plastering work, mixed material of plaster shall be applied on all over surfaces by spreading mixed material by trowel uniformly to maintain level, thickness and to get the smooth finish/ sandface plaster can be done by using sponge.
In case of manual mixing hand gloves shall be used.
"Shree E-Plast +" contains non-toxic materials, In case of contact with body, eye, face wash it with sufficient water.
Unloading and Storage
Do Not Use Hook
Do not use hook for unloading, shifting of bags, material
Loaded Above Ground Level
It shall be unloaded on uniform level platform surface above ground level with proper stacking in countable manner
Store In Dry Place
It should be stored in covered dry place.In case of rainy season it shall be stored in closed store room by covering it by tarpaulin / polythene sheet to protect the bags from dampness / humidity in the atmosphere.