Compressive Strength (@28days)
> 20 N/ Mm2
40 Kg/Bag
Grey /White / Colour
Shelf Life
Water powder ratio (For Mixing purpose)
Shree Premix Industries (SPI) is a renowned brand in the construction industry known for its innovative and reliable products. The company offers a wide range of construction materials that cater to the diverse needs of the construction industry. Among the many products that the company offers, Shree E Plast+ (FC) is a popular product.
Shree E Plast+ (FC) is a thin readymix coat for Mivan/RCC surfaces that is designed to provide a smooth and level surface for further finishing. It is a water-resistant product that is easy to apply and provides excellent adhesion. Shree E Plast+ (FC) is perfect for levelling and finishing coats on RCC and AAC block surfaces. It is a versatile product that can be used for a variety of applications, including tunnel walls and efflorescence repair surfaces.
Shree E-Plast+ (FC) is a premium quality product that is formulated to provide superior performance. It is a multipurpose, multi-property levelling and finishing thin coat that is suitable for a wide range of applications. The product is easy to apply and provides a smooth and level surface for further finishing. It is a perfect choice for levelling and finishing coats over non-hack surfaces, staircase walls, and the bottom of the staircase.
Readymix levelling and finishing coat for tunnel walls is another innovative product offered by SPI. It is a high-quality product that is designed to provide a smooth and level surface for tunnel walls. The product is easy to apply and provides excellent adhesion. It is perfect for use in tunnels and other areas where a smooth and level surface is required.
Levelling material for efflorescence repair surfaces is a must-have product for anyone who wants to repair efflorescence on walls. It is a high-quality product that is easy to apply and provides excellent adhesion. The product is perfect for use on efflorescence repair surfaces and provides a smooth and level surface for further finishing.
Levelling and finishing coat over non-hack surfaces is a popular product offered by SPI. It is a high-quality product that is perfect for levelling and finishing coats over non-hack surfaces. The product is easy to apply and provides excellent adhesion. It is perfect for use in areas where a smooth and level surface is required.
Levelling staircase walls and levelling the bottom of the staircase are two other applications by innovative products offered by SPI. These products are perfect for anyone who wants to level staircase walls and the bottom of the staircase. They are easy to apply and provide a smooth and level surface for further finishing.
Readymix finishing coat for RCC lift walls is another popular product offered by SPI. It is a high-quality product that is designed to provide a smooth and level surface for RCC lift walls. The product is easy to apply and provides excellent adhesion. It is perfect for use in areas where a smooth and level surface is required.
Finishing coat over waterproofing coat is a must-have product for anyone who wants to protect their walls / terrace from water damage. It is a high-quality product that is easy to apply and provides excellent adhesion. The product is perfect for use over waterproofing coats and provides a smooth and level surface for further finishing.
Finishing coat before texture is another innovative product offered by SPI. It is a high-quality product that is perfect for use before texture. The product is easy to apply and provides excellent adhesion. It is perfect for use in areas where a smooth and level surface is required before texture.
Levelling and finishing coat for columns, beams, and chajjas is a high-quality product offered by SPI. It is a multipurpose, multi-property levelling and finishing thin coat that is perfect for use on columns, beams, and chajjas. The product is easy to apply.
Single Component, Pre Blended, Polymer modified, Cement base, High Strength, Hydrophobic Property, Non Shrink, Multi Purpose Ready to use material for levelling & Finishing the A.A.C. , R.C.C. & Various types of Substrate in Minimum thickness.
BIS Reference : IS 2402 -1963 ( Reaffirmed 2001): Code of Practice for External Rendered Finishes shall be followed for Specifications , Number of Coats, thickness of Plaster & other.
For Levelling, Finishing Uneven External, Internal Surfaces of Mivan / AL Shuttering of R.C.C. Surface Walls. For Levelling Uneven surfaces of Ceiling / all types of R.C.C. beams/ Coloumns/ Chajjas/ Basements/ Retaining walls/ tanks. Replacement to exterior surface finishing material in all types of Residential/ Commercials/ Industrial/ Instituational Buildings, Malls, Multiplex, Public Buildings, Hotel, Hospitals, Goverment, Semi Goverment Projects, Metro / Mono Rail Projects/ Railway, PWD, CPWD, MHADA, Pant Pradhan Avas Yojna, Swatch Bharat Abhiyan Projects, SRA Projects, Redevelopment Projects, Affordable Housing Projects, Religious Projects, Heritage Structure Projects, Ware Housing Projects & other types of Projects.
Surface, finshing chajja, balcony, finshing holes and RCC surface.
To level uneven bottom surface of Watertank.
Lift shaft
For repairing, leveling, internal, external surface of all type of lift shat walls
Mivan surface
For repairing, leveling, internal, external surface of all type of RCC members
Staircase, Podium, Well Parking area
To Skip and water proffing activities for finshing/ retaining/ basement walls
For repairing efflorescence on walls
High Compressive Strength than other finishing material.
Non Shrinkage Property avoids the crack.
Hydrophobic property avoids water penetration through the finishing coat hence its waterproof, it can be used to repair efflorescence.
Only need to add "Shree E Plast+(FC)" powder in water as per water powder ratio hence its easy to use and Quality can control at any Location.
For Finishing & levelling work on A.A.C. block Surface, R.C.C, Ceiling, Mivan Surface, Basement retaining walls surface "Shree E Plast+(FC)" can be applied smoothly and Speedily it Saves lot of time and material hence it save the lot of cost of the project.
No waste during the application.
"Shree E Plast+(FC)" can be applied on any smooth Surface without hacking and without application of bonding agent.
"Shree E Plast+(FC)" can be applied for repairing rough surface of R.C.C, levelling & alignment of beam/ Chajja bottoms in minimum thickness.
Use of "Shree E Plast+(FC)" for finishing work saves the material, water required for mixing and Curing as well as it save lot of natural resources hence its Eco friendly & Green Building Material.
Pot life of "Shree E Plast+(FC)" is more hence mixed material we can be used for finishing work for long time hence it avoid the wastage.
"Shree E Plast+(FC)" Contains special grades of Fillers which are free from dust, Silt, Mud hence no formation of the cracks to the finishing material, no effect on Quality & Strength.
Finishing with "Shree E Plast +(FC)" in minimum thickness will reduce the Cost, Dead weight on the walls, Structures & increase the carpet area compare to convention method/ Other Plasters in case of internal walls.
Any type of Tiles, Stone, Marble, Granites, Italian Marbles, Glass mosaic can be fixed with "Shree E Tile Bond++" on surface finished with “Shree E Plast+(FC)” without hacking & without use of any bonding agents before fixing the tiles above finishing coat.
Use of "Shree E Plast+(FC)" Skip the use of Putty on external surface for levelling and finishing on R.C.C Surface before Painting, directly paint can be applied on finishing Coat.
Use of finishing coats save the cost of Water proofing, additional levelling by Putty, other finishing material.
In case of use of finish Coat in colour with special properties it skips the all expenses required for surface preparation, Water Proofing, Painting.
Technical details
To Know More About Technical Specification In Detail
How To Use
In case of uneven surface, Clean the Surface with Wire Brush or Grind the uneven surface of R.C.C. by Grinder to match the level (as per site requirement) as well as to minimise the use of "Shree E Plast+(FC)" to match the level. Remove the dust particles, Clean the surface with the help of Blower, if Plenty of water are available then use water by pressure to clean & wash the surface or moisten the surface before the application of "Shree E Plast+(FC)"
Add 1 Kg of "Shree E Plast+(FC)" Powder in 160 to 180 ML clean water, Mix the material with mechanical mixer for 3 to 5 minutes or In case of manual mixing Add 1 Kg "Shree E Plast+(FC)" Powder in 170 to 190 ML clean water , mixed the material for 8 to 10 minutes till we get Uniform, Homogeneous mix with proper consistency for Easy & Smooth application
Leave the mix material for 3 to 5 minutes idle to dissolve the Polymers, Adhesives, Fibers to gain the Special Properties then remix the mixed material again & start application on A.A.C./ R.C.C./ Mivan Shuttering/ Precast Surface by using proper tools. Decorated finish can be created by using appropriated tools. In case of normal Weather Condition, Curing Shall be done twice in a Day after 12 Hrs at least 2 to 3 Days. In case of Hot or Extreme Weather Condition curing shall be done for 5 to 6 days.
In case of manual mixing hand gloves shall be used.
Shree E - Plast FC+ contains non-toxic materials. In case of contact with body, eye & face wash it with sufficient water
Unloading and Storage
Do Not Use Hook
Do not use hook for unloading, shifting of bags, material
Loaded Above Ground Level
It shall be unloaded on uniform level platform surface above ground level with proper stacking in countable manner
Store In Dry Place
It should be stored in covered dry place.In case of rainy season it shall be stored in closed store room by covering it by tarpaulin / polythene sheet to protect the bags from dampness / humidity in the atmosphere.